MiTek 20/20

The MiTek 20/20 suite of software was first released in 1999. It includes Management, Layout, Engineering, Production and CAD facilities plus much more

The MiTek 20/20 suite of software was first released in 1999.  It includes Management, Layout, Engineering, Production and CAD facilities plus much more.

The interactive suite is designed to minimise design time and maximise your productivity.


The heart of the MiTek 20/20 suite, Genesis is an estimating and job management tool which relieves much of the administrative burden involved in modern fabrication.


Input your walls, planes and  trusses.  View the building in 3D to get a real feeling for how it’s all coming together.  Share information from trusses to walls for precise stud location under concentrated load points. No matter how simple or complex the plan is, the Layout software is capable of modelling the exact roof shape and distributing the loads accurately.


Design the most simple or complex roof trusses with MiTek’s proprietary design engine. Analysing all timber, connectors, girder brackets and hold-down requirements to the most cost effective and practical solutions.

Floor truss systems along with beams can also be analysed. Timber cut webs, timber square cut webs or MiTek’s metal PosiStrut web are all options depending on your preferences.


Completely manage your preferred production output order using the strength of MiTek’s Production software. Components can be sent to specific work stations in the order you specify for unrivalled automation. Machinery files are generated to drive all of today’s automated machinery systems including our recent production/scheduling system OptiFlow.